
Creating a new project depending on Mathlib

Using the VSCode Lean 4 extension

The Lean4 VSCode extension takes care of most of the steps that would require using the command-line! Here is a sequence of steps that should get Lean installed on your computer and a project depending on Mathlib running.

I do not use the menu too often, so let me know if the information above is out of date or confusing!

If the previous steps did not work for you, continue reading!

Unix-based installation from the command-line

Below are instructions on creating a new project using the command-line on Unix-based systems. They may also work for MacOS or Windows, assuming that you have access to a terminal.

Source: Mathlib

These instructions should work on Unix-based systems, assuming that you have already installed successfully Lean and lake. These instructions might also work on MacOs/Windows, when typed in a terminal.

proj is the name of the project


Initialize the new project – takes some time

lake +leanprover/lean4:nightly-2023-02-04 new "${proj}" math

Go inside the newly created folder, that has the same name as the project

cd "${proj}"

Download mathlib and its dependencies (batteries, quote4, aesop, ProofWidgets4, lean4-cli, import-graph, LeanSearchClient)

lake update "${proj}"

Get the mathlib cache, so you do not have to build it locally

lake exe cache get

Create a new directory with the same name as the repo

mkdir "${proj}"

Open the current folder with VSCode

This is important: you should open the folder containing the project not a file or an inner folder!

code .

All your files should be created inside the proj folder that you created, not the one that was automatically created when you initialized your project

You folder structure should look more or less like this:

proj --|-- Proj -------------- | <your_files_here>
       |-- lakefile.lean
       |-- lake-manifest.json
       |-- lean-toolchain
       |-- proj.lean
       |-- .lake/

In case you are curious, this is what the files above do.

You will likely not have to look at any of these files. The only possible exception is lakefile.lean, in case you want to set some special options (I will talk about this during the lectures).

For ease of copy-pasting, here are all the commands in a single code-block

lake +leanprover/lean4:nightly-2023-02-04 new "${proj}" math
cd "${proj}"
lake update "${proj}"
lake exe cache get
mkdir "${proj}"
code .

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