
What tools do I have to tease information out of Lean4?

When I first started using Lean, I felt that I was dealing with a computer program that would complain when I was doing something wrong, but would give me almost no insight about what I could do right!

With time, I learned how to read Lean’s error messages and also several tricks to tease out information from Lean about its inner workings. As time progresses, I find that Lean tries very hard to guide me in the right direction. This page is dedicated to some of the tools that I use, when I am exploring parts of Lean code that I do not know.

Note. I use VSCode as an editor. Some of the tricks that I mention below may not work with different editors. As I have not tried using Lean with a different editor, I do not know what the differences will be. I do know that there is support for Emacs and (Neo)vim. There are probably more editors out there as well.


Probably, the first feedback that I look at, is what is written in the Infoview. There is a great deal of information compressed there. Types, names of terms/hypothesis, what we are trying to prove, instances, coercions,… Moreover, when something goes wrong, errors are also written there.

Learn to read the error messages!

It is not easy at the beginning, but it pays off immensely. Lean has such a rich Typing system that it is aware enough to know what went wrong. And it constantly tries to tell you what rubbed it the wrong way. Most error messages become transparent after you have seen them a few times. Others remain mysterious, even to the experts, but they still provide a lot of insight into the inner workings of Lean.

Error messages

Let me say this again:

Learn to read the error messages!

Lean is constantly playing a game of Tetris, where it is trying to fit all the Types of all the terms in sight so that they match leaving no ambiguity and no clashes. Whenever something does not match, there are very good chances that Lean knows the supposed hole that the piece was supposed fill and the shape of the piece. This means that it can usually give very precise information about what should have happened. It is then up to us to figure out what caused the jigsaw to mismatch. Here are a few common errors that show up all the time and what they often mean.

There are many more mistakes that you can make and Lean will have an error message for each one of them: learn to understand how Lean is trying to nudge you in the right direction!


If you see a theorem or definition that you do not know, you can hover your mouse over it and you may get some additional information. If someone was kind enough to write a doc-string for the declaration, then this is when you will see it. Mathlib has an almost inescapable convention that all its definitions must have doc-string. Theorems need not have one, but definitions must be documented. That’s something: a human is explaining to another human what this definition is supposed to mean!

Go to Definition

If you right-click on a declaration, VSCode will show you a menu whose first option is Go to Definition. This will take you to the location in the code where the declaration was defined. You can then read the code and try to make sense of what you are seeing!


As we already saw above, #check <whatever> gets Lean to see if what you are trying to check is a Term of some Type and will report the parent Type (or error if you failed to pass a Term!).


Again, we already used this above: #eval triggers a “computation”. For instance:

#eval 3 + 5
#eval if 3 + 5 == 4 then true else false
#eval if 3 + 5 == 4 then IO.println "Hi!" else IO.println "Hello"
#eval do
  for i in [0:5] do
    IO.print f!"{i} "
0 1 2 3 4
#eval do
  let mut first := ""
  let mut second := ""
  for i in [0:5] do
    first := first ++ (Nat.toDigits 10 i: String) ++ " "
    second := second ++ " " ++ (Nat.toDigits 10 (4 - i) : String)
  let shifted := first ++ "\n" ++ second ++ "\n"
  IO.println (shifted ++ shifted ++ shifted)
0 1 2 3 4
 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 4
 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 4
 4 3 2 1 0


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